Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Am I a Brazen Careerist?

For the last 2 years I have been following the fantastically well-written blog Brazen Careerist. Author Penelope Trunk and her two partners have finally launched their social network website, also called Brazen Careerist. This site is specifically aimed at Gen Y networking, so of course I have signed up for an account. The next few weeks will determine if I continue to use it or not, based on a few criteria:
1) do the groups match my current needs?
2) will I be networking with people who are actually useful to me and my goals?
3) will the fact that I live in Canada hinder this networking? (I have joined the "Canada" group, but so far, there are only about 40 of us, and some are Americans who are just fans of Canada - how quaint)
Like everyone else, I feel that my time is of utmost importance, so if after a month or so, if I'm not getting what I want out of it, I'll give up. I mean, isn't that my right, as part of the Sesame Street generation?


  1. You also joined the Toronto group and neglected to introduce yourself on the forum. Perhaps if you want to find some useful people to network with you should ;)

    Geoff Jones

  2. Hi Geoff, thanks for commenting. I think you may have overlooked me though:
    I'm the one named Lindy Gulanes...
